Two hands tenderly holding a red heart
Two hands tenderly holding a red heart — image from IStock

Your Heart Wants You To Check In.

Can you let yourself stop and do that?

Jill Fischer
2 min readNov 10, 2023


What is your heart’s desire?

If there was one thing in your life you wanted to change, what would it be?

That’s a question worth asking, don’t you think? You could be missing something big if you don’t.

It’s so easy not to, though, for two big reasons.

One is that it just doesn’t occur to us to take the time to do that. Life is busy. Its many demands capture our attention, and we respond. Years go by. We do what we’ve gotta do. Totally normal but a tad dangerous.

Why? Because it can lead to waking up one day and feeling like the years, have gone by and we haven’t lived the life we want to live. Some important heart-felt desires have gone unheeded due to ignoring them or not giving them space. It’s a kind of benign neglect that can take it’s toll on our sense of well-being.

The other reason is that somewhere deep down inside, we may know that if we give ourselves a chance to ask that question, we may be called to take action that is scary, that takes us outside our comfort zone, that means taking a risk into the unknown. Our brains are designed to prefer the familiar.

We may also have a vague sense that our heart-felt desires are impossible, so why even go there?

But if we’re not asking this important question, we’re risking living a life half-lived. There’s juice to be gotten out of this orange that is delicious and fulfilling, and we may be missing it.

I believe that our hearts know what we need and that they have an intuitive road map that will take us there if we give them room.

And when we do that, we lead more fulfilling, satisfying, joy-filled lives. Lives worth living.

What is your heart’s desire?

